La Negra has always tried to be an inclusive space, a place to come for a date, family or friends; for a quick casual dinner or to celebrate an important ocassion; and from time to time, the place to come for a dance on a special event… With this vision of inclusion, we began as a pet-friendly restaurant. “La Negra” our great dane, was a beloved companion for our family, and in honor to her, during all these years we allowed our guests to visit us with their puppies.
Over time, most of the experiences have made us realize, that unlike the owners, the dogs do not have a good time, tied to the table for up to two hours, often tired or hungry…
Puppies are much more sensitive, and they get stressed easily with the people passing by, the lights and the music. Here they don’t have a proper space to laid down without the risk of being stepped on. Sadly, we have had puppies that don’t stop barking, that have fought, and even more than once have attacked our staff.
We believe that our doggie friends can be taken to open spaces where they truly have a great time. For now, we recommend leaving your pets in a quiet and safe place when you plan to visit us.. We greatly appreciate your support and understanding!